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Biman International Offices |
Abu Dhabi Sk. Zayed the 2nd street (Electra road), Bldg No. 5213, P.O.X - 4356, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E City Off. Phone: (02) 342597 Fax: (9712) 344664 Airport Off. Phone: (02) 757053, 757500/2673
Amsterdam Keizergracht 478, 1017 Eg The Netherlands City Off. Phone: (020) 4204962 Fax: (3120) 6257786 Airport Off. Phone: (020) 6010285 Fax: (3120) 6531104
Athens 15 Panepistimiou Avenue 105 64 Athens, Greece City Off. Phone: (1) 3227750, 3228089, 3312021
Baghdad 2A/1/2 Fuad Habba Building Sadoun Street, Iraq City Off. Phone: (1) 7181058, 7197309
Bahrain Al-Mohammadia Builing No. 232 Shop No. 4, Tijjar Road Manama, Bahrain City Office Phone: 212541 Fax: (973) 212541
Bangkok Chongkolnee Building 56 Suriwongse Road Bangkok-10500, Thailand City Off. Phone: (02) 2333640, 2377074 Fax: (662)
Brussels 226-A, Avenue Louise 1050 Brussels, Belgium City Off. Phone: (02) 6485827 Airport Off. Phone: (02) 7532288 Fax: (322)
Calcutta Chowrangee Mansion 30/C Jawaharial Nehru Road Calcutta-700016, West Bengal, India City Off. Phone: 2457309 Fax: (9133) 2458480 Airport Off. Phone: 5119662, 5118787/4208
Delhi World Trade Center Room No. 107-110 Babar Road, New Delhi-110001, India City Off. Phone: 3354402 Fax: (9111) 3314699 Airport Off. Phone: 5652943, 5452021/2320
Doha Souk Falah, P.O. Box-2738 Doaha, Qatar City Off. Phone: 413054 Fax: (974) 412000 Airport Off. Fax: (974) 436447
Dubai Al-Gurg Building, Al-Mussalla Road P.O.Box-1515, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E City Off. Phone: (04) 220942, (04) 283767, (04) 282336 (D) Fax: (9714) 278451 Airport Off. Phone: (04) 245734, (04) 2062895 Fax: (9714) 245420
Frankfurt Wiesenhuettenplatz 26 60329 Frankfurt, Germany City Off. Phone: (069) 253765 Fax: (4969) 233729 Airport Off. Phone: (069) 69591641
Hong Kong Houston Center, Room No. 216 & 217 63 Mody Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong City Off. Phone: 27248464 Fax: (852) 27246284 Airport Off. Phone: 23298036 Fax: (852) 23525830
Jeddah C/O, Areen Travels Al-Mabani Building, Hayel Street Al-Ruwais, P.O Box-266, Jeddah-21411, K.S.A City Off. Phone: (02) 6533356 Fax: (9662) 6534936 Airport Off. Phone: (02) 6853326 Fax: (9662) 6853438
Karachi Avari Plaza, Avari Towers Sharea Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan City Off. Phone: 522008 Fax: (9221) 5662008 Airport Off. Phone: 4571416 |
Katmandu Marcopolo business hotel Katmandu, Nepal City Off. Phone: (01) 416582 Airport Off. Phone: (01) 479234
Kuala Lumpur Lot- 0.17 & 0.18 (ground floor) Bangunan Angkasa Raya, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia City Off. Phone: (03) 24278229 Fax: (603) 2456860 Airport Off. Phone: (03) 7461118 Fax: (603) 4330863
Kuala Lumpur Lot- 0.17 & 0.18 (ground floor) Bangunan Angkasa Raya, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia City Off. Phone: (03) 24278229 Fax: (603) 2456860 Airport Off. Phone: (03) 7461118 Fax: (603) 4330863
London 17 Conduit Street, London WIR-9TD, U.K. City Off. Phone: (0171) 6290161, 6290252 Fax: (44171) 6290736 Airport Off. Phone: (0181) 7457550 Fax: (44181) 7456390
Manchester Peter House (2nd floor) Oxford Street, Manchester, M15AZ, U.K. City of Phone: (061) 2282636 Fax: (4461) 2287070
Muscat Shaikh Al-Mashany Building (3rd floor) Khamis Al-Ashaqsi Street, P.O. Box-1106 Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman City Off. Phone: 785616 Fax: (968) 704964 Airport Off. Phone: 510150
New York 211 East 43rd Street, Suite 602 Manhattan, New York N.Y.10017, U.S.A City Off. Phone: (212) 8084523, 8084479/16 Fax: (1212) 8084589 Airport Off. Phone: (718) 6328327, 6328351 Fax: (1718) 6560556
Paris 90 Avenue Des, Elysees, Cham 75008, Paris, France City Off Phone: 42891147, 42250533 Fax: (331) 4562704
Riyadh Prince Abdul, Aziz Bin Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Buildir, Olaya, Main Street (Opposite of Bank Al-Saudi) Al-Fransi, P.O.Box-21076, Riyadh 11475, K.S.A City Off. Phone: 4623501, 4623376 Airport Off. Phone: 2213551
Rome Via Lucullo, 00187 Roma, Rome, Italy City Off. Phone: (06) 4824846 Fax: (396) 4824846 Airport Off. Phone: (06) 65953448/3724
Singapore 15 McCallum Street, 01-02 Natwest Center Singapore 0106 City Off. Phone: 2217133, 2217155 Fax: (65) 2219800 Airport Off. Phone: 5420067, 5429380
Tokyo Kotobuki Building 1f, 2-5-21 Toranomon Mintao-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan City Off. Phone: (03) 35027926, (03) 35027922 Fax: (813) 35027921, Airport Off. Phone: 0476-34-8277
Tripoli 3 Jeddah Street, P.O.Box-3995 Tripoli, Libya
Yangon 106/108 Pansodan Street Yangon, Myanmar City Off. Phone: (01) 275882/1 Airport Off. Phone: (01) 62720 |
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