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Fever guide  


Parents commonly think of fever as their number one enemy when their children are sick. This leads them to battle fever aggressively with all the medication and sponge baths they can give, from a mistaken notion that the fever itself is a disease and can give, from a mistaken notion that the fever itself is a disease and can easily harm a child.


Fever is not a disease, however, but a symptom that shows that a fight against a disease or infection is going on inside the body. In that fight, excess heat is generated in the core of the body and is dissipated to the head and limbs, where it radiates off the skin. In general, pediatricians recommend not trying to lower fevers under 102 F, and they certainly don’t want parents to see fevers as threats to their child’s well-being


If your child’s discomfort and temperature require more treatment then dressing him lightly and giving him lots of fluids, medicine may be helpful. It is better to go to a doctor.

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