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                 High-risk Pregnancy



Some pregnant women are considered to  be at " higher risk" than the most others. They include women who have diabetes, heart disease, or high  blood pressure, or  who develop these conditions during pregnancy or labor. They also include women who are carrying their fifth or later child ; who are carrying more than one baby; who are under 17 or over 35; who are over 30 and carrying their first child; or who develop signs or preterm labor. the degree or risk varies with each or these conditions and should be thoroughly explained to you by your doctor. 


If you are in a higher-risk category, the management of your pregnancy and labor may need to be varied from that of a low-risk women. Consequently, not all or the options discussed in this book  may be available to you. 


Some of the  more common conditions  that place women in the  higher-risk category are discussed below. 


Gestational Diabetes 


Diabetes is a condition characterized  by a high level of sugar, or glucose, in the blood.  Diabetes that occurs only in pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes. During pregnancy, hormones cause the women's  insulin to  be less effective at metabolizing glucose. The resulting high blood sugar can  lead to complications in both the woman and baby, although a third of afflicted women become gestational  diabetics with subsequent pregnancies. In later life, they are also more like  to develop non-insulin-dependent diabetes.  Most women who are well controlled during pregnancy have good pregnancies and healthy babies. 


The risk factors for developing  gestational diabetes are family history, previous large babies , or previous gestational debates. The  condition is more common in  women  who are obese or over the age of 25. Most practices screen all women at 28 weeks  for the  condition with the glucose tolerance test . Once a positive diagnosis in confirmed, the pregnant woman is placed  on a diabetic diet. Home  monitoring of blood sugar is performed several times a day . If diet  alone  does  not control the blood sugar, insulin may have to be given. 


The babies of untreated diabetic women may be very large, making delivery more difficult. Other complications  include respiratory difficulties, jaundice, a low  level of  calcium in the blood, and stillbirth. If the diabetes in not controlled, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may occur after birth. The  woman's  high level of insulin may cause his own blood sugar level to drop very low. Nursing soon after birth helps to prevent hypoglycemia. 


Women who have diabetes are more likely to develop pregnancy -induced hypertension. To prevent stillbirths, their doctors may induce labor before or on  the due date. If the induction is not  successful, a cesarean section is performed. Infection and postpartum hemorrhage are also more common in diabetic women. 


Pregnancy -Induced Hypertension 


Hypertension (high blood pressure ) that occurs during pregnancy is called pregnancy -induced hypertension(PIH). Most women who develop PIH did not have hypertension before pregnancy and will not have it after. PIH was formerly known as toxemia. While the cause of PIH is unknown, some studies  suggest that the blame lies with  an imbalance of the substances that regulate the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels. The risk factors include heredity, a diet low in protein or calcium, a history of preeclampsia prior to 32 weeks gestatio , chronic high boood pressure, kidney disease, lupus, diabetes, multiple pregnancy, age ( under 20 or over 35), and being overweight.  A new theory states that PIH may be an immune response to a new sex partner, since 85 percent of cases occur in first -time pregnancies. Several studies have sh0wn that a good  diet can reduce the risk of developing PIH . A diet containing 75 to 100 grams of protein and 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams of calcium is recommended. 


PIH affects both the woman and the fetus. High blood  pressure constricts the blood flow to the  uterus. This  can result in the baby receiving less  oxygen and nutrients, which will affect his growth . In addition, the placenta may separate from the wall  of the  uterus before  delivery and result in bleeding and shock. If untreated, PIH can become preeclampsia, which is characterized by the face and hands. It may be necessary to induce labor if the blood  pressure is not controlled. This may  lead to a premature infant. Rarely, preeclampsia death of the woman or baby. 


Treatment of PIH consists of bed rest for mild conditions . Occasionally, a woman must be hospitalized. If the blood  pressure is not  controlled, delivery by induction of labor of cesarean section may be necessary to save the lives  of the woman and baby. The  medication magnesium sulfate is  administered intravenously to prevent convulsions. The risk of seizure diminishes 48 hours after delivery of the baby. 


Multiple Pregnancy 


If you  are pregnant with more than one baby - with twins, triplets, or more your pregnancy is called a multiple pregnancy. Fraternal twins are more common than identical twins and are the result of two  sperm fertilizing  two  eggs  . Fraternal twins may or may  not be the  same sex and are on m0re alike appearance than any other siblings. Identical twins occur less frequently and  are the result of one sperm fertilizing one  egg, which them separates. Since identical twins carry the same  genetic material , they are  always the same  sex always look  alike . and always have the same blood type . They may be mirror images of each other. 


During pregnancy, an increased demand is placed on the body of a woman  carrying more than one baby as well as additional placentas or one larger placenta . The discomforts of pregnancy are accentuated, since  there is  an increased  demand on the circulator7 system and the uterus is  larger in size . The chances of PIH and preterm labor are greater. For these  reasons , many physicians place these women  on bed rest at around  28 weeks  gestation. 


Women experiencing a multiple pregnancy have higher protein and caloric requ9rements.  Additional  protein is necessary to provide for adequate growth  of the babies and ensure good muscle tone of the over distended uterus. Women who eat well  during pregnancy decrease their chances for  complications  and increase their   chances for  delivering at term. 



Preterm Labor 


If a baby is born before the thirty seventh  week of pregnancy - more  than 3 weeks early-the  birth is called  oreterm and the  baby premature. Preterm birth represents the greatest health risk to newborns. Preterm babies have  an increased risk of neonatal problems. Premature babies  often have difficulty in maintaining  their  body temperature. In addition, their  sucking may be weak, and they  are more  susceptible to infection. 


Women who are more  likely to go  into  preterm labor include those who had a  previous miscarriage or preterm birth; who  have an over-distended  uterus from a multiple pregnancy or from an excess of amniotic fluid; who  smoke , take drugs, or are  malnourished ; who  are under  the age of 18 or over  35 ; who are experiencing a high  degree or enduring other  stressful working conditions ; and who  have a vaginal or urinary tract infection or an infection of the membranes of the  amniotic sac.


Preterm labor can often be stopped if it is  caught in time . The treatment for preterm labor includes bed rest. antibiotics, if indicated, for  infection; and possibly medications to relax the  uterus and  stop the contractions. While some studies question the efficacy of bed rest., it is the current treatment of choice.  


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a test that can predict whether a pregnant woman is about to experience a preterm birth. The test detects a substance called fetal fibronectin in the cervical/vaginal secretions. Fetal  fibronectin is an adhesive protein that  serves as a "natural glue " on the placenta. The substance changes into  a lubricant just  before labor begins.  It  should  not be present in the  cervical/ vaginal secretions  after the  twenty-second week of pregnancy unless there is a problem , such as preterm labor of an infection. Its  presence indicates a high risk if delivering within the next 2 weeks. 


In cases of impending preterm birth between 24 and 34 weeks gestation , a treatment is available that  accelerates fetal lung  maturity. Synthetic steroids have been shown to reduce the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome and brain hemorrhage in newborns by 50 percent and to reduce death rates by 40 percent. According to  a recommendation of the  National Institutes of Health (NIH), this medication should be used when delivery prior to 34 weeks gestation is likely, unless the  medication will  have an adverse effect on the  woman or delivery is imminent. 


If you experience any signs of labor more than 3 weeks before your due date, contact your  caregiver right away. 



New PIH findings 


Researchers  have new findings indicating  that  pregnancy induced hypertension results from a cellular defect that  occurs early in gestation and affects the   implantation of the  placenta. They are hopeful that  this  information will lead to the  development of a test for the  condition. 


Signs of preterm labor


The following symptoms may be indications of preterm labor:

  • More than for uterine contractions in 1 hour. 

  • Menstrual -like cramps, constant or intermittent. 

  • Abdominal cramps , with  or  without diarrhea. 

  • Backache, constant or intermittent. 

  • Pelvic pressure or  the feeling that  the baby is pushing down . 

  • Sudden increase in vaginal discharge. 

  • If you note any of the  above symptoms, contact your caregiver immediately. 

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