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Myths of Conception

Pregnancy begins with conception ( fertilization)  and continues until the moment of birth. It is that special time in your life when your body envelops  the growth of a new being . Everything you do , everything you eat, and even your emotions may have an effect on the development of that new life. It is therefore very important for you to be aware both of the actions that you can  take to most benefit the  development  of your baby and of the detrimental factors that you should avoid. Understanding the normal course of pregnancy will aid you in acquiring this awareness.

Each woman's pregnancy differs in some ways from every other woman's .In fact, different pregnancies in the same woman usually vary. However, some aspects of pregnancy are common to all women. Certain physical and emotional changes, resulting in similar physical and emotional needs, are seen in every pregnant woman.


A baby is created by the union of an egg cell from a woman's body and a sperm cell from a man's body, This union is called fertilization and  marks the beginning of  pregnancy.  Each egg and sperm cell contains half of the genetic material, or chromosomes, necessary to begin human life . These chromosomes contain thousands of sections called genes, which determine the various characteristics of the child. The women and man each contribute twenty-three  chromosomes to their child, making a total of forty six. Because of the billions of  possible combinations that can be produced by these forty six  chromosomes and  their thousands of  genes, every child is  unique. 

                  The female reproductive organs where fertilization take place

The woman's biological  contribution begins in one of her two  ovaries. Every month, an egg  follicle ripens and swells in one of the ovaries, This ripening of the egg cell is initiated by a pituitary hormone. The walls  of the follicle surrounding the ripening egg produce estrogen, which  causes the lining  of the uterus, or womb to thicken ,The estrogen also  causes the cervical mucus to increase and to become more receptive to sperm, When the egg is mature, it bursts out of the follicle and is released near the fringed end of the  fallopian tube. The release of an egg from an ovary is called ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days  before the next  menstrual period, or about midway through the cycle.

The fallopian tubes are muscular canals lined with fine hairs, called cilia that move with a wavelike action, drawing the egg into the tube and then through it toward the  uterus. (See Figure1) At the same time that the egg  is  traveling through the fallopian tube, the follicle, stimulated by a pituitary hormone, begins producing progesterone, another hormone, which causes the  uterine lining to thicken further, The  progesterone also slows down  contractions  in the uterus, which facilitate implantation of the fertilized egg. 

The biological contribution that the  man makes the baby begins with  the production of  sperm cells in testes, which are  two organs that hang outside  his body in a sac of skin called the  scrotum, ( see figure 2)  sperm cells, or spermatozoa, are produced in the somniferous tubules within the testes and are propelled in the epididymis  for storage until ejaculation . As the spermatozoa  pass from the  epididymis through the vas deferens  to the urethra, secretions are added from the seminal  vesicles, the prostate, and  Cowper's glands. The purpose of these secretions is to provide a nourishing and  fluid material that helps the spermatozoa move through  the vagina, where they  are deposited during intercourse.


The male reproductive organs

The penis  becomes erect  during sexual excitement as blood pours into  layers of spongy material and the veins leaving the  penis begin to constrict. With  further excitement , the muscles around the  seminal vesicles, the vas deferens, and the prostate gland contract, driving the semen into the urethra. The  muscles in the prostate gland contract and push the se en through the opening of the urethra.  About 250 million to 500 million sperm are ejaculated, although, less than 500 will reach the egg.  

For fertilization to occur , sperm must reach the egg within 24 hours of  ovulation. Sperm remain viable for up to 72 hours. It takes sperm from minutes to 2 hours to swim from the upper vagina, where they are usually deposited , to the  outer third of the fallopian tube, where fertilization takes place. Sperm may reach an egg even if  they are deposited externally,  on the vulva . Only  one sperm  out  of the hundreds that may complete the journey, actually fertilizes the  egg.  As soon as this one sperm breaks through the egg wall , an enzyme is released that toughens the membrane of the  egg and prevents by any other sperm. 


The fertilized egg cell, now called an ovum, divides into cells, then into four , and so on, by the fourth day , it is  a cluster of  sixteen cells called a morula. By the time it travels through the  fallopian tube and  reaches the uterus, a journey that takes 3 to 4 days , it is a hollow ball resembling a tiny blackberry  and is known as a blastocyst. 

About 8 days after fertilization, the blastocyst implants itself in  the  uterus, usually on the upper back wall . Projections on the outside of the blastocyst  help it to  attach to the thick inner lining of the uterine muscle. The blastocyst can then tap into the woman's blood supply for nourishment.    


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