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Commonwealth of Independent States active at tea-market |
October 5, 2000
Chittagong (UNB) – The weekly tea sale witnessed the market easier this week due to less demand from all quarters here Tuesday. Prices were lower than previous week and a fair quantity of tea and the fanning category remained unsold due to poor bids that went well below sellers’ expectation. According to a tea market report, Afgan buyers were less active along with Pakistan ones. Blenders lent a fair support although loose tea buyers were less active. CIS operated actively. CTC Leaf: 8469 chests, 15,286 g/s, 80 p/s and (490 c/s and 194 g/s of old season) on offer met with less demand at mostly lower rates. Brokens: Black, well-made medium and small brokens were steady and occasionally tended dearer following competition but all others were easier by Tk 1 to Tk 2. Large brokens were firm to slightly dearer. Fannings: Once again a limited quantity of black, well-made grainy types was firm to slightly dearer while all others were easier up to Tk 2. Plainer types eased by Tk 2 and more. Green tea: 20 chests of YH on offer sold at Tk 100. CTC Dust: 1,104 c/s, 2,913 g/s and (71 g/s of old season) on offer once again met with much less demand at lower rates. A few clean well-made RD/PD had a fairly good market easing by up to Tk 1 to Tk 2. All others shed Tk 2 to Tk 4 depending on quality with considerable withdrawals. CDs where sold were only slightly easier. Both internal and foreign buyers were selective. |