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The charm and beauty of your contour faces that severe setback at the appearance of pimples in your teens. Perhaps it is the most disturbing signal that you receive when you step into those years of your life which are invariably marked by these unwelcome guests. But pimples and acne are not the only problem of the skin, rather the5e are lots of other hazards which you come i contact with ( o matter how unpleasant this  encounter may be ) It is about these problems of the skin that this chapter deals with. 



 Blackheads are formed when oil collects and hardens in the  pores of the skin, Oily shin not only attracts the dirt but aslso continually sheds the dead cells. Dirt oil, sweat and stale makeup ted to clog and book the pores. These pores are exposed to the dirt and air, hence, they turn black and are called the blackheads. 

Owing to  blackheads the pores get blocked and oil glands get infected resulting in pommels. If the infection progresses, it ruptures the mechanism of oil glands and attacks the inner layer of the skin giving Way to na acne prone condition. 


  • When have blackheads wash the face quite often , say 4-5 times in a day, with water water.

  •  Never try to prick the pimples, because doing so infects the surrounding area and leaves the scar behind which in turn results in spots.

  • Avoid foods which cause constipation and other disorders of the  stomach.

  • Boil 50 gm of brooklime leaves/stems, in 500 ml of distilled water. Keep the mixture for 2 hours and strain it. Mix half teaspoon of sodium benzoate in the  mixture and apply on the affected parts. 

Apart from the solution you can also  refer back to heading  " Face Packs for patchy skin "  for the cure of spots left behind by blackheads ad acne. 



These are the tiny, dark spots sprinkled on the face. They generally appear on the areas which  are elevated , namely , nose, cheek-bones and forehead.. Freckles are caused by exposure to the sun. Use sunscreen lotions before going in the  sun .



 In the deeper layer of the skin are the cells which produce melanin, a pigment which gives the skin its colour. The pigment protects the skin from the direct rays of sun. Exposure to the sun increases the production. of melanin giving way way to darker ski. While facing the  problem of pigmentation you can use the complexion lotions  fight away the pigmentation menace. 



 Pimples are the small, raised spots on thw skin. They are caused due to excessive secretion ofsebum oil from the oil  glands of the skin. To deal with this  problem following are the remedies : 


  • Make a paste of jira seeds in water and apply it over the pimples. 

  • The rind of the fruit of madana mixed with water and made into  a paste is a useful appellation for  piples on the face.

  • Warm the leaves of palasa a little and spread them on a cloth . Put this cloth covering of palasa leaves around the pimples to disperse them. This will prevent the group of  pimples to turn into acne. 

  • The paste make of the indravaruni fruit/roots and kuchala leaves, applied over thepimples, is very effective for the timely check of the growth of pimples.

  • Grind dhatoora seeds adding a little water. Apply this paste locally on pimple affected areas.

  • The local application of the oil extracted from the seeds of putikaranj removes pimples. 

  • The paste of nutmeg made with milk is an efficacious remedy for removing pimples on the face.

  • The paste of rakta-chandan and turmeric, made with milk is a useful local application. 

  • The milky juice of unripe papaya applied locally removes pimples. 


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