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          Ayon's Queries .........



Ayon, a 22 years old young lady is now dreaming on her soon becoming  couple with her would-be young handsome life partner. She also dreams to be mother of  a cute baby daughter . But she had a fear of but curious about pregnancy periods.


She saw some among her relatives becoming mother silently and some of them had to suffer a lot. Now she is observing her elder sister who is expecting her first child. There are so many anxiousness, expectations, dreams, advise of doctors and so on -- all are centering her which creates lots of queries in Ayon's mind about pregnancy. 


Let us try to satisfy Ayon's  queries. See what were her previous queries ?


Most Often Asked Questions on Pregnancy


21. What is meant by " high risk pregnancy" ?


A high risk pregnancy is one in which the woman is over 35-40 years of age or is very young; has blood pressure or heart problem, bleeding during pregnancy or a history of premature deliveries or  recurrent abortions. But tests can be done to detect these and a course of action will be prescribed by the doctor, accordingly.


22. Under what circumstances should I call my doctor immediately?


Call your doctor if  there is excessive bleeding, strong uterine contractions and tightness, premature rupture of  membranes, giddiness and fainting. In extreme case's of high blood pressure, there may be convulsions. This condition is called eclipses. But no patient should reach this stage as pre-eclampsia precedes this condition and should brought to the doctor's notice. 


23.  How does medication affect the pregnant woman?


 Pregnant women do need medication- mineral  and vitamin supplements and medication for nausea and infections. At the same time we try to keep the medication to a minimum, which is not so difficult if the woman is healthily.  


24. What are the safe drugs during pregnancy? Can one cope without  drugs during pregnancy? How do common over the counter and counter and illegal drugs affect the baby. 


Sometimes, low-dose aspirins have to be given if the  patient is developing  blood pressure. You  need to treat infections, fevers malaria and tuberculosis even if the woman is pregnant. Not treating her would endanger her life as well as that of her baby.


But there are some dugs known to be unsafe tranquillizers, sedatives and some antibiotics. Of  course, there are a few antibiotics that can be given to pregnant women, and it will be useful to ask your doctor about these. Being pregnant does not mean you have to go without medication even  when ill. But remember, antibiotics cannot be taken without consulting the doctor. Paracetemols may be consumed in moderation. Drug abuse is obviously very harmful for the baby and the mother.  


25. what are the tests that are mandatory in pregnancy and what are optional? 


A blood haemogram, blood count and blood grouping tests are a must.  A urine test is also required. We  advise an Australia Antigen test to  check hepatitis antibodies . The HIV test is optional but most hospitals prefer to have it done for the safety of their staff, which is explained to the patients. One blood sugar test is definitely required and if the  reading is not normal, more will be required at various stages. Amniocentesis is  not mandatory, but if the  woman is older , or has a history of  abnormal babies, it is advised. 

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